Relevant and up-to-date trade publications - our recommendations

Today, it is more important than ever to keep up to date and find out about trends and developments in the industry at an early stage.

Here you will find a recommendation of our latest publications, others can be found in the respective categories. We wish you an informative read!

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New Ships
New Ships is an exclusive weekly information service in English. New Ships provides concise reports on the most important developments in the international shipbuilding industry.
Since its foundation in 1906, the trade journal SIGNALLING & DATACOMMUNICATION has been a pioneer and companion of modern signal, communication and information technology in rail transport.
The digital English-language publication Ship&Offshore provides specialised maritime technical information for the global shipbuilding and offshore market. Order now!
Maritime Archives
In the Maritime Archives, current articles from the Schiff&Hafen magazine, the Schiff&Hafen Kompakt infoletter, detailed specialist articles from Ship&Offshore and background information from New Ships are continuously updated.
World Rail Market Study 2024
The 10th edition of the UNIFE World Rail Market Study once again offers a detailed analysis of the current state and development of the global rail supply market. Order now!