Specialist books and reports of outstanding quality

We make sure that you know what moves the industry. In our selected range of high-quality publications, you will find exactly the right content for your professional practice! We provide you with specialist books and reports from many sectors and subject areas to keep you up to date. Here you will find a selection of our latest books, others can be found in the respective categories.


TOP 100 in European Transport and Logistics Services 2021/2022
The study provides all the important data for a thorough market analysis and creates transparency in your supply chain, in English and with a focus on the "EU30".
World Investment Study Transport and Logistic 2022/23
Are you looking for an overview of the 150 largest listed companies in the logistics sector? The updated World Investment Study Transport and Logistic 2022/23 provides you with all the relevant information in a clearly - order now and get 20% subscription discount!


World Rail Market Study 2024
The 10th edition of the UNIFE World Rail Market Study once again offers a detailed analysis of the current state and development of the global rail supply market. Order now!

Public Transport

European Bus Data
European Bus Data provides comprehensive information on the registration figures for buses and coaches in Europe. It covers the EU27 countries plus the UK, Switzerland, Norway and Iceland.


Ship&Offshore Special SmartShip 2024
Download our Ship&Offshore Special SmartShip 2024. Find a collection of ideas and approaches.
Ship&Offshore Special GreenTech 2024
This issue focuses on sustainable global shipping, propulsion and engine technology, operational optimisation and surface technology with the aim of creating a sustainable industry.
ENERGY at SEA 2023
The second issue of “Energy at Sea” shows the enormous technical and logistical potentials of the market and answer the most urgent questions.